

Eahudu is rich in life, though nothing is like anything you've seen before. Much remains to be discovered here, but some things may be best left a secret. Eahudu is no easy undertaking, but even so you still fancy your chances in this world.In the far-off distance you hear growls and grunts of eerily familiar beings. Some eye you up in a way that makes you uncomfortable, the cautious path would be the best one. It's clear there are lean creatures, bulky creatures, and what you think might be muscular creatures of some sort.You know you've got everything sorted and prepared as a realm of mysteries awaits you, for better or worse. But, with a good amount of courage, a bit of tenacity, and a curious mind, you'll be able to register this world for those in your own.









sands of hidden time








The country of Ozethera is a huge country with a population of 3,123,025. Night elves
Bordered between a huge forest to the North, large mountains to the South, Nicocola Tides to the East Ixokya, the country of Ozethera mainly lives off weaponsmithing, mining and blacksmithing.
Ozethera itself is mainly covered in high mountians and has a snowy climate, which has lead to a tightly concentrated population, despite what looks live a large number of people Ixokya is only the 4th most populated of the nations of Eahudu. Most resident reside in the capital Kharovsk.

The country's landscape is grisly; small, deserted waterfalls, icy springs and creepy, aquatic wildlife are just a sliver of the sterility Ozethera has to offer, which is why the country is a skipped destination among foreigners.
The people of Ozethera are gentle towards foreigners and tend to welcome them with hospitality. They feel foreigners could contribute to the country's well being.
Ozethera has mellow laws and law enforcement, which is fairly normal. The people are peace-loving due to their healthy lives, thanks to amazing teamwork.

Ozertha's capital Iskiretsk

The Wooden Palace where the Tsar of Ozertha resides

The Extinct Abyss or Вымершая бездна south of Ozertha



Ixokya is a country with a population of 1123025 people.
Bordered between large mountains to the North, South are the Nicocola Tides and to the West the neighboring nation of Ozertha, Ixokya mainly lives off carpentry , and the export of wood and furniture.
Ixoyka itself is covered in forest named Sakhalin-Kurile and has large rivers that flow into the Nicocola Tides. Ixokya has a warm climate, which has lead to the name The sun bathed kingdom, despite the seingly large number of people Ixokya is only the 4th largest nation in Eahudu based on population. Most of Ixokya's citizens live in the capital city Korenovsk.

The country's landscape is lovely; large trees and endless forest cover the land, and wildlife that wander the forest floor. Ixokya wildlife is also the most hostile out of the six kingdoms, which is why the country is a skipped destination among foreigners.
The people of Ixokya are warm hearted, but they arent the most welcoming towards foreigners and tend to great them with passive-hospitality. They feel foreigners could take away from the country's simple way of life.
Ixoky has laws that are easily bypassed and law enforcement, which long passed it's prime. The people are at peace due to their healthy lives.

Ixokya's Sun Placae

Ixokya's capital Korenovsk

Ixokya's Sakhalin-Kurile mixed forest



Zelan is a country with a population of 8,370,145 people.
Zelan is split over two land masses Northern Zealan is know for trade and the south is known for tourism.
To the North is the famed Extinct Abyss, South of Zelan is the Roxkasing waters and to the West is the meeting point of the two lastly to the east is the Thilan Empire, Zelan is a country that relies on trade and it's many ports for it's economy to florish.Zelan is surounded by water on all but one side, and has large rivers that flow through the country. Zelan has a moderate climate with frequant rains, Zelan is the 2nd most populated nation in Eahudu and is often considered the the nation with the most stuff to do. Zelan's citizens mostly stick to the countries cities like the capital of Mynasari.

Surrounded by water Zelan is a merchants dream ports on all edges, and a 8 hour boat ride from any other countries in Eahudu. Aside from there famed ports and many attractions nowhere else in Eahudu has quite as vibrant food scene with people from all over setting up food stalls all across streets. The wildlife in Zelan is few and far between with most of them living in the surrounding waters, although the overrunning of Kaisen of 18XX is not the be forgotten.
The people of Zelan are widely regarded as the most forward thinking of Eahudu, but they arent the most personal and natives of the land are often shifty characters. They feel foreigners could take away from the country's fast moving pace.
Zelan is full of crime do to all the items that get imported and exported fro Zelan. Laws that are easily bypassed and law enforcement, which long stopped caring it's advised that you pay quite a bit of attention to your belongings when you walk the streets of Zelan.

Zelan's capital Mynasari

Zelan's famed houses on water

Zelan's Roxkasing Port



Among the sands and wind lies the Kingdom of Jasserem, the oldest nation of Eahudu with long standing values and history. Make your way into the crowed rows of street stalls in the bazaar of wonder amounts the dunes under the blazing sun. What hidden truths hide beneath the lands of Jasserem.Ixokya is a country with a population of 1123025 people.
Bordered between large mountains to the North, South are the Nicocola Tides and to the West the neighboring nation of Ozertha, Ixokya mainly lives off carpentry , and the export of wood and furniture.
Ixoyka itself is covered in forest named Sakhalin-Kurile and has large rivers that flow into the Nicocola Tides. Ixokya has a warm climate, which has lead to the name The sun bathed kingdom, despite the seingly large number of people Ixokya is only the 4th largest nation in Eahudu based on population. Most of Ixokya's citizens live in the capital city Korenovsk.

The country's landscape is lovely; large trees and endless forest cover the land, and wildlife that wander the forest floor. Ixokya wildlife is also the most hostile out of the six kingdoms, which is why the country is a skipped destination among foreigners.
The people of Ixokya are warm hearted, but they arent the most welcoming towards foreigners and tend to great them with passive-hospitality. They feel foreigners could take away from the country's simple way of life.
Ixoky has laws that are easily bypassed and law enforcement, which long passed it's prime. The people are at peace due to their healthy lives.

Ashur-nadin Home of the Higher

Jasserem's lower city

The Stairs to His Light in the Almata Dessert